Exports in Chemicals and sugar have ____ a phenomenal rise this year...? Mcqs

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Exports in Chemicals and sugar have ____ a phenomenal rise this year...?

(i) Projected
(ii) Registered

(iii) Proclaimed
(iv) Declared

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______ is the month of purity....?

(i) Zil-Hajj
(ii) Shawal

(iii) Ramazan
(iv) None of these

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Amazon was founded in which year...?

(i) 1983
(ii) 1994

(iii) 2003
(iv) 2004

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1. How many Salah will the Takbeer e Tashreeq be recited...?

(i) 20 Salaah
(ii) 23 Salaah

(iii) 25 Salah
(iv) 26 Salaah

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Which books are called Sahihain:...?

(i) Bukhari Sharif and Ibn-e-Dawood
(ii) Muslim Sharif and Tirmazi

(iii) Bukhari Sharif and Ibn-e-Maja
(iv) Bukhari Sharif and Muslim

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You can edit existing Excel Data by pressingthe key...?

(i) F1 key
(ii) F2 key

(iii) F3 key
(iv) F4 key

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The move to the previous cell in a table inserted in a document, press:...?

(i) The Tab Key
(ii) Alt+Tab

(iii) Shift+Tab
(iv) Backspace

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Sixth Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______....?

(i) Hazrat Umm Salama (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Sauda (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Zainab binte Khazeema (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

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To insert slide numbers...?

(i) Insert a text box and select insert >>Page Number
(ii) Insert a textbox and select insert >> Page Number

(iii) Choose Insert >> Slide Number
(iv) Insert a new text box and select Insert >>slide Number

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Yellow Sea lies between __________....?

(i) America and Canada
(ii) England and France

(iii) China and Korea
(iv) Norway and Sweden

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