Fastest memory is...? Mcqs

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Fastest memory is...?

(i) RAM
(ii) ROM

(iii) CPU
(iv) Cache

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Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. Red-letter day...?

(i) An auspicious day
(ii) An important day

(iii) a frightful day
(iv) None of these

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Which religion are not allowed to eat Sehri:...?

(i) Christians
(ii) Jews

(iii) Hindus
(iv) Both A & B

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The oldest monarchy in the world is that of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) UK
(iv) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Simla Deputation (October 1906) comprised _____ Muslim leaders...?

(i) 18
(ii) 35

(iii) 40
(iv) 50

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ترجمہ کا انتخاب کیجیےOut of the frying pan into the fire...?

(i) جل بن مچھلی
(ii) پوری چھوڑ آدھی سے بھی جائے

(iii) آسمان سے گرا کھجور میں انکا
(iv) آئے تھے نماز بخشوانے روزے گلے پڑ گئے

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Ease of doing business report published by __________...?

(i) World Economic Forum
(ii) World Trade Organization

(iii) IMF
(iv) World Bank

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In Microsoft Word, A template stores:______________...?

(i) Graphics, text, styles, macros
(ii) Customized word command setting

(iii) Auto text entries
(iv) All of above

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The _________ program compresses large files into a smaller file...?

(i) WinZip
(ii) WinShrink

(iii) WinStyle
(iv) None of these

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Who were Harut and Marut...?

(i) Prophets
(ii) Jins

(iii) Human Beings
(iv) Angels

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