Fifth column refers to...? Mcqs

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Fifth column refers to...?

(i) Guge pillar
(ii) Long writing

(iii) Loyalty
(iv) Treachery

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Who is the current ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan...?

(i) Malina Mart
(ii) Androulla Kaminara

(iii) Tim Torlot
(iv) Dr Riina Ruth Kionka

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Which forests act as barriers against cyclones...?

(i) Alpine forests
(ii) Mangrove forests

(iii) Evergreen forests
(iv) Monsoon forests

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Al Hilal newspaper is associated with...?

(i) Maulana Muhammad Ali johar
(ii) Maulana Abu kalam azad

(iii) Maulana Zafar ali khan
(iv) None of these

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Who is Newly appointed General Secretary of UNO on 31st December 2016...?

(i) Antonio Guterreson
(ii) Ban-ki-moon

(iii) Peter Thomson
(iv) none of these

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End Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor end of the line
(ii) Moves the cursor end of the document

(iii) Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
(iv) Moves the cursor end of the screen

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MIT is the spy agency of__________...?

(i) Russia
(ii) japan

(iii) North korea
(iv) Turkey

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Euphonious is the opposite of:...?

(i) Concordant
(ii) Lethargic

(iii) Harmonious
(iv) Cacophonic

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علامہ اقبال اپنے آپ کو جس ہستی کا معنوی شاگرد کہنے میں فخر محسوس کرتے تھے۔ ان کا اسم گرامی ہے؟...?

(i) مولانا روم
(ii) عمر خیام

(iii) شیرازی
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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In SI unit of time Picosecond is equal to how many seconds:...?

(i) 10
(ii) 10-12

(iii) 10-18
(iv) None of these

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