Fill in the blank: "_________ to London on the train yesterday. "...? Mcqs

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Fill in the blank: "_________ to London on the train yesterday. "...?

(i) Did Mary went
(ii) Did Mary go

(iii) Mary go
(iv) Mary goes

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Which planet takes the longest time to go once around the Sun...?

(i) Neptune
(ii) Mars

(iii) Jupiter
(iv) Earth

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What is meant by Tawaaf...?

(i) To circle around Kaaba
(ii) One attempt between safaa and Marwah

(iii) Stay at Arafat
(iv) None of them

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Vaccination was discovered by...?

(i) Galileo
(ii) Edward Jenner

(iii) Baird
(iv) Roentgen

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Which of the following women scientist twice won the Nobel Prize:...?

(i) Rosalind Yallow
(ii) Dorothy Hodgkis

(iii) Marie Curie
(iv) Barbara Maclintock

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What is S.I unit of temperature...?

(i) Kelvin
(ii) Celsius

(iii) Fahrenheit
(iv) None of these

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What is the sixth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal...?

(i) The holy books
(ii) The day of Resurrection

(iii) Good and bad is predetermined by Allah (TAQDIR)
(iv) The day of resurrection

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World Trade Organization was founded in:...?

(i) 1992
(ii) 1994

(iii) 1993
(iv) 1995

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Lady Diana was the princess of __________...?

(i) Wales
(ii) Belize

(iii) Grenada
(iv) Lancaster

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Sindh was conquered by Muhammad bin qasim in which year...?

(i) 710 AD
(ii) 711 AD

(iii) 712 AD
(iv) Non of these

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