First country who issued currency notes in the world...? Mcqs

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First country who issued currency notes in the world...?

(i) greece
(ii) China

(iii) Italy
(iv) Russia

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The muscles, tissues and blood al are made up of...?

(i) Carbohydrates
(ii) Proteins

(iii) Water
(iv) Fats

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SQL stands for...?

(i) Simple Query Language
(ii) Structured Query Language

(iii) Senior Query Language
(iv) None of these

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How can we describe UK...?

(i) England + Northern Ireland
(ii) Britain + Northern Ireland

(iii) Great Britain + Northern Ireland
(iv) England

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Name the pact in which the Muslims and Hindus of British India agreed for separate electorates...?

(i) Congress League Pact
(ii) Reforms Act

(iii) Delhi Pact
(iv) Lucknow Pact

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In MS Excel the command used to combine /merge the consecutively selected cells andcenter aligned is:...?

(i) Combine & Center
(ii) Merge & Center

(iii) Merge Cells
(iv) Combine

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The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one’s own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for__________...?

(i) Imam Sahib
(ii) Non-Muslims

(iii) Relatives
(iv) None of these

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PPI is the news agency of ____________...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) India

(iii) Nepal
(iv) Russia

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Which option enables automatic updates in destination documents...?

(i) embedding
(ii) objects

(iii) links
(iv) relationships

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Which software is used for preparing an office presentation...?

(i) Photoshop
(ii) MS PowerPoint

(iii) Outlook express
(iv) MS Excel

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