First female ambassador of Pakistan to Iran:...? Mcqs

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First female ambassador of Pakistan to Iran:...?

(i) Riffat Masood
(ii) Maliha Lodhi

(iii) Begum Shahnawaz
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following provinces of Afghanistan shares border with Pakistan...?

(i) Ningrahar, Pakita, Ghazni
(ii) Bamiyan, Farah, Herat

(iii) Baik, Samangan, Kunduz
(iv) Tkhar, Uruzgan, Ghur

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Birds are:...?

(i) Animation
(ii) Warm-blooded

(iii) Cold Blooded
(iv) None of these

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Which shortcut key is used for paste in MS Word...?

(i) Ctrl + C
(ii) Ctrl + V

(iii) Ctrl + S
(iv) Ctrl + W

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The Quranic surah Al-Ikhlas means __________...?

(i) The politeness
(ii) The Purity

(iii) The Straight path
(iv) The character

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Kunhar River is also called...?

(i) Chitral river
(ii) Swat River

(iii) Panjkora
(iv) None of these

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"Liberty, Equality Fraternity", as a slogan the hallmark of the...?

(i) Bolshevik Revolution
(ii) French Revolution

(iii) American war of independence
(iv) Cuban revolution

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Choose the synonyms of Radiant...?

(i) Glowing
(ii) Glittering

(iii) Flickering
(iv) Dimming

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What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 12 years and for 18 years...?

(i) 2:5
(ii) 2:3

(iii) 1:3
(iv) 3:1

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Doaba Rachna is located between the River Chenab and River:...?

(i) Ravi
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Indus
(iv) Beas

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