First Muslim who won the Nobel Prize...? Mcqs

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First Muslim who won the Nobel Prize...?

(i) Anwar Saddat
(ii) Yasir Arfat

(iii) Sherein Ebadi
(iv) Yousaf Ali

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Paraguay is a country located in which continent...?

(i) South America
(ii) Africa

(iii) Europe
(iv) None of These

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Who destroyed idol “Sawa”...?

(i) Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid R.A
(ii) Hazrat Umar Ibn Al As R.A

(iii) Hazrat Saad Bin Zaid R.A
(iv) Hazrat Ali R.A

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Choose the word similar meaning to the given word: Zany...?

(i) Clown
(ii) Pet

(iii) Thief
(iv) None of these

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That charming girl was the .... of all eyes...?

(i) Target
(ii) Ambition

(iii) Cynosure
(iv) None of these

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Jupiter is bigger than the earth...?

(i) 7 Times
(ii) 11 Times

(iii) 50 Times
(iv) 100 Times

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Change of voice. Choose the correct option Will you visit them...?

(i) Will they be visited by you
(ii) Would they be visited by you

(iii) Will they visited by you
(iv) Will they been visited by you

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Synonyms of CAMEO...?

(i) Funny Character
(ii) Minor Role

(iii) Type of Fiction
(iv) Sharp tool

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What is a terabyte...?

(i) An optical storage medium capable of storing vast amounts of information
(ii) A multifunctional operating environment

(iii) Flash memory
(iv) Roughly a trillion bytes

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You have no business to ______ pain on a weakand poor person...?

(i) Put
(ii) Force

(iii) Direct
(iv) None of these (Inflict)

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