First working laser was developed in 1960 by...? Mcqs

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First working laser was developed in 1960 by...?

(i) Max Planck
(ii) Theodore Maiman

(iii) Robert Boyle
(iv) None of these

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"First Pakistan Olympic Games" were inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam at:...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Karachi

(iii) East Pakistan
(iv) Quetta

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What does RAM in a computer stand for...?

(i) Read and Memorize
(ii) Random Access Memory

(iii) Random Access Module
(iv) Random Accees Modern

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Ctrl + K Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to_____________...?

(i) Insert Page Humber
(ii) Insert Hyperlink

(iii) Insert Header
(iv) Insert Footer

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My brother and friend .......... me in my studies...?

(i) Help
(ii) Helps

(iii) Helped
(iv) Helping

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When did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) buy a camel named Qaswi...?

(i) At the time of migration to Medina
(ii) Battle of Badr

(iii) Battle of Tabuk
(iv) None of these

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Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir ...?

(i) Sialkot
(ii) Multan

(iii) Lahore
(iv) Karachi

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Synonym of ” Probity ” is ________ ...?

(i) Dishonest
(ii) Honesty

(iii) Senseless
(iv) Stupid

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The Short period between two Sajda’s is called________...?

(i) Qauma
(ii) Jalsa

(iii) Qayaam
(iv) Qaada

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A computer on internet is identified by:...?

(i) IP address
(ii) HTTP

(iii) HTML
(iv) None of these

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