Fleet Street London is famous of...? Mcqs

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Fleet Street London is famous of...?

(i) Banking and financial offices
(ii) Oaffices of the cargo companies

(iii) Offices of the newspapers and press agencies
(iv) Offices of the Royal Navy Agency

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'Bismillah ir Rehman nir Rahim' marks the beginning of every surah except surah...?

(i) Naml
(ii) Taubah

(iii) Hujurat
(iv) Muzammil

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Why was the Simon Commission sent to India in 1928...?

(i) To look into the indian constitutional matter and suggest reforms
(ii) To choose members of indian council

(iii) To settle disputes between the government and the congress leaders
(iv) To set up a government organization

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Antonym of ” Perspicacious ” is ...?

(i) Sagacious
(ii) Siscerning

(iii) Astute
(iv) Dull

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The members of RCD were:...?

(i) Pakistan, India and Iran
(ii) China, Pakistan and India

(iii) Pakistan, Iran and Turkey
(iv) Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan

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Which "Surah" was the first to be revealed upon Holy Prophet Muhammad...?

(i) Surah "Al-Ikhlas"
(ii) Surah "Ai-Naas"

(iii) Surah "Al-Nisa'
(iv) Surah "Al-Alaq"

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The thin black cross-shaped pointor in MS Excel is used to:...?

(i) Complete lists and fill patterns
(ii) Move a group of cells

(iii) Resize
(iv) Highlight duplicate cells

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Which of the following countries is closest size to Pakistan...?

(i) Congo
(ii) Paraguay

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Chile

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Largest Fresh Water lake is ...?

(i) Superior
(ii) Baikal

(iii) Caspian
(iv) Aral

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If the mean of 7 terms is 40, the sum of those terms will be...?

(i) 280
(ii) 480

(iii) 200
(iv) 346

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