For ordered pair [2, 4]:...? Mcqs

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For ordered pair [2, 4]:...?

(i) 2 is abscissa and 4 is ordinate
(ii) 2 is ordinate and 4 is abscissa

(iii) 2 and 4 both are abscissa
(iv) 2 and 4 both are ordinate

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Old name of Congo is

(i) Mobutu
(ii) Zaire

(iii) Samrlia
(iv) None of these

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How many stones are thrown at the Jamarat in Hajj ritual...?

(i) 5 Stones
(ii) 6 Stones

(iii) 7 Stones
(iv) 8 Stones

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Liverpool is a town in...?

(i) USA
(ii) Belgium

(iii) UK
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan Saudi Economy Commission was established in which year...?

(i) 1998
(ii) 1999

(iii) 2000
(iv) 2001

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Laitat-ul-Qadr is better than______months...?

(i) 10
(ii) 50

(iii) 100
(iv) 1000

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Find Error. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident- my behavior is speaking itself...?

(i) will speak to itself
(ii) speaks for itself

(iii) has been speaking
(iv) None of these

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His father passed _______ last Sunday...?

(i) away
(ii) off

(iii) ever
(iv) out

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Which country was invaded twice by Germany in the 20th century and itself had brutally colonized Congo...?

(i) Belgium
(ii) Poland

(iii) France
(iv) UK

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Pros and Cons: means...?

(i) For and against a thing
(ii) Foul and Fair

(iii) Good and evil
(iv) None of these

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