For qualifications 2/5 of the marks were given for corsework. The rest of the marks were given for a written paper of which 3/8 were given for a mental test Total marks were out of 120. How many marks were given for the mental test....? Mcqs

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For qualifications 2/5 of the marks were given for corsework. The rest of the marks were given for a written paper of which 3/8 were given for a mental test Total marks were out of 120. How many marks were given for the mental test....?

(i) 30
(ii) 55

(iii) 27
(iv) 45

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Patella bone is located on

(i) Kneecap
(ii) Backbone

(iii) Ear
(iv) None of these

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Which is the most populated continent...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Africa

(iii) Europe
(iv) North America

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Choose the correct analogy Tiger: Carnivore...?

(i) Sky : Blue
(ii) Lamp : Table

(iii) Cow : Herbivore
(iv) None of these

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the word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only__________times....?

(i) two times
(ii) four times

(iii) Six times
(iv) Seven times

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in 2009 , The worlds largest foreign exchange reserves, almost $ 2 trillion is of...?

(i) USA
(ii) Japan

(iii) Germany
(iv) China

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______ is a predefined set of colors. fonts, and visual effects that you apply to your slides in PowerPoint for a unified, professional look...?

(i) Design
(ii) Animation

(iii) Layout
(iv) Theme

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Holy Prophet (PBUH) had 10 paternal Uncles and _________ paternal aunts...?

(i) 10
(ii) 6

(iii) 5
(iv) 7

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27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in __________ Surah....?

(i) Yaseen
(ii) Ma’ida

(iii) Rahman
(iv) Hadeed

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When 73 is added to 89 and amount is doubled, it gives the same result as the square of 18, what is the answer...?

(i) 164
(ii) 162

(iii) 324
(iv) 163

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