Founder of homeopathy is...? Mcqs

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Founder of homeopathy is...?

(i) Samuel Hahnemann
(ii) Johnson Hahnemann

(iii) John Aristotle
(iv) None of these

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The famous Adam's Peak, which is venerated by Christians, Muslim, Buddhists and Hindus is located in...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Turkey

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Sri Lanka

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Which country is located in the east of Pakistan...?

(i) China
(ii) India

(iii) Iran
(iv) None of these

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The country which has largest army in the world...?

(i) USA
(ii) China

(iii) Russia
(iv) India

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World’s first YouTube video was uploaded by its Co-founder ‘Jawed Karem’ in April 23, 2005 ,with the name: ___________...?

(i) Hello ! Here I am.
(ii) Hey! It’s your World

(iii) Did you tube it
(iv) Me at the Zoo

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Which country is known as Sino...?

(i) Cuba
(ii) Fiji

(iii) China
(iv) Chad

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Synonym of “disparity” is _________...?

(i) argumentation
(ii) difference

(iii) belittlement
(iv) harmony

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Hazart Amina R.A belonged to _________ tribe ...?

(i) Banu Qurish
(ii) Bani Zohra

(iii) Banu Hashim
(iv) None of these

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Identify the last Ghazwa in which Holy Prophet...?

(i) Ghazwa Hunain
(ii) Ghazwa Ahzab

(iii) Ghazwa Tabook
(iv) Ghazwa Mutah

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Change voice "please pick it up"...?

(i) Please let it be picked up
(ii) You are requested to pick it up

(iii) Let me picked it up
(iv) None of these

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