Four or Eight or Twelve Rakat offered in the late night is Called...? Mcqs

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Four or Eight or Twelve Rakat offered in the late night is Called...?

(i) Ishraq
(ii) Salat-e-Tahajjud

(iii) Witr
(iv) Sunnah

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The only difference between memory and storage is:...?

(i) Slow, Fast
(ii) Temporary, Permanent

(iii) Permanent, Temporary
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “garrulous” is _________...?

(i) affable
(ii) noisy

(iii) quarrelsome
(iv) talkative

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URL stands for

(i) Uniform research locator
(ii) Uniform Resource Locator

(iii) Uni relative locator
(iv) None of these

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1, 9, 25, 49,_____________121...?

(i) 100
(ii) 81

(iii) 91
(iv) 94

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The largest lake of salt water in the world is ...?

(i) Baykal
(ii) Chad

(iii) Kariba
(iv) Caspian

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Which person is remembered as the teacher of Madinah:...?

(i) Ibn Abbas
(ii) Hazrat Uthman RA

(iii) Mus'ab ibn Umayr RA
(iv) None of these

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On behalf of the Muslim League, Quaid i Azam signed the Lucknow Pact, who signed it on, behalf of the Congress:...?

(i) Motilal Nehru
(ii) Mahatama Gandhi

(iii) Ambeka Charan Mojam Dar
(iv) None of them

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خوشبو کس کا مجموعہ کلام ہے؟...?

(i) ثمینہ راجہ
(ii) پروین شاکر

(iii) غزالہ خاکوانی
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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What is Burma change its name to in 1989...?

(i) Myanmar
(ii) Rangoon

(iii) Brazil
(iv) Naypyidaw

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