Friendly is which part of speech?...? Mcqs

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Friendly is which part of speech?...?

(i) Adverb
(ii) Noun

(iii) Adjective
(iv) None of these

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What is “Subway”...?

(i) Underground passage
(ii) A road or path raised above ground level

(iii) Short passage to any place
(iv) None of these

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Till now, how many Pakistanis won the Nobel Prize for Physics?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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The first direct general elections in Pakistan were held on ______...?

(i) 7 December 1950
(ii) 7 December 1960

(iii) 7 December 1970
(iv) 7 December 1980

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Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for__________ days...?

(i) 3 days
(ii) 5 days

(iii) 7 days
(iv) 12 days

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In how many years Madani Surahs were revealed...?

(i) 8
(ii) 9

(iii) 10
(iv) 11

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Which metal is found in liquid state at room temperature?...?

(i) Iron
(ii) Zinc

(iii) Aluminum
(iv) Mercury

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'Bismillah ir Rehman nir Rahim' marks the beginning of every surah except surah...?

(i) Naml
(ii) Taubah

(iii) Hujurat
(iv) Muzammil

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in MS Excel what is function inside another function is called...?

(i) nested
(ii) round

(iii) switch
(iv) none of these

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If A: B2:3 and B: C = 4: 5, then A: B: C =...?

(i) 8:12:15
(ii) 9:11:15

(iii) 9:17:18
(iv) 12:15:25

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