Garuda is the airline of Indonesia. What is Garuda...? Mcqs

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Garuda is the airline of Indonesia. What is Garuda...?

(i) Animal
(ii) Bird

(iii) Mountain
(iv) None of these

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Normandy is in which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) England

(iii) Austria
(iv) France

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When Allama Muhammad Iqbal Died...?

(i) April 21, 1939
(ii) April 21, 1938

(iii) April 21, 1937
(iv) April 21, 1947

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Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) founded the following famous mosque...?

(i) AL-Aqsa
(ii) Al-Kartaba

(iii) Blue Mosque of Istanbul
(iv) None of the above

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The largest producer of solar energy in the world is...?

(i) Germany
(ii) USA

(iii) Russia
(iv) China

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The word Talaq means is _________...?

(i) Freedom of bond
(ii) To leave somebody

(iii) To attach someone
(iv) Non of these

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How many years was Hazrat Haroon (peace be upon him) older than Mousa (peace be upon him)...?

(i) 3 year
(ii) 2 year

(iii) 5 Year
(iv) None of these

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کس ملک کی بندرگاہ ہے اسکندریہ ALEXANDRIA

(i) لیبیا
(ii) مصر

(iii) اٹلی
(iv) یونان

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In a province, a Worker's Trade Union is registered with the:...?

(i) Registrar Trade Unions
(ii) National industrial Relations Commission

(iii) Workers Welfare Board
(iv) Commissioner Social Security

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Who co founder Hotmail in 1996 and the sold it to Microsoft...?

(i) Shawn Fanning
(ii) Ada Byron Lovelace

(iii) Sabeer Bhatia
(iv) Rey Tominson

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