Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called...? Mcqs

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Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called...?

(i) Chasma Barrage
(ii) Kotri Barrage

(iii) Gudu Barrage
(iv) Jinnah Barrage

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Bucharest is the capital and largest city of: _____________...?

(i) Cuba
(ii) Romania

(iii) Thialand
(iv) Cambodia

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How many districts are there in Punjab...?

(i) 40
(ii) 41

(iii) 42
(iv) 43

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Choose the correct sentence: The house catch a fire...?

(i) The house caught fire
(ii) The house Catch fire

(iii) The house Catch the fire
(iv) None of these

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Senkak Island is disputed between...?

(i) China and Japan
(ii) China and South Korea

(iii) Japan and South Korea
(iv) Russia and Japan

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French Muslim football star Zedane by birth belongs to which Muslim Country...?

(i) Morocco
(ii) Camroon

(iii) Senegal
(iv) Algeria

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"Communist Manifesto" was written by:...?

(i) Friedrich Engels and karl Marx
(ii) Engels

(iii) Jointly by Marx and Engels
(iv) None of these

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Maldives is the smallest Muslim state by area and population, what is the percentage of Muslim population there...?

(i) 90%
(ii) 94%

(iii) 98%
(iv) 100%

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An application program that allows a user to set page number and spell check of adocument is known as:...?

(i) Notepad application
(ii) Word Pad

(iii) Email application
(iv) Word Processor

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In Internet terminology IP stands for:...?

(i) Internet Protocol
(ii) Internet Prouder

(iii) Internet Procedure
(iv) Internet Processor

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