Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order ...? Mcqs

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Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order ...?

(i) Tauheed, Risalat, Alhami Kutub, Akhirat and Malaika
(ii) Tauheed, Risalat, Malaika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

(iii) Tauheed, Alhami Kutub, Risalat, and Malaika
(iv) Tauheed, Milka,Risalat, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat

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The area which separates Pakistan from Tajikistan is called___________...?

(i) Wakhan
(ii) Pamir Knot

(iii) Khyber Pass
(iv) None of these

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I am famous _______honesty where javed is notorious for dishonesty...?

(i) For
(ii) To

(iii) Upon
(iv) In

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The real name of Umm-ul-Momineen “Bibi Ume Salma” was___________...?

(i) Maria
(ii) Hind

(iii) Ramla
(iv) Zainab

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Which type of view is not present in MS PowerPoint...?

(i) Outline
(ii) Slide show

(iii) Slide sorter
(iv) All of these

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Great Salt Lake is situated in...?

(i) Lowa State
(ii) Minnesota State

(iii) state of Utah
(iv) None of these

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Which Umm-ul-Momineen died first...?

(i) Hazrat Ruqia (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Khadija (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Salma (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Safia (RA)

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The Euro currency is used by ________ countries....?

(i) 18
(ii) 19

(iii) 20
(iv) None of These

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Al-Risalah book wrote by:...?

(i) Imam Malik RA
(ii) Imam Hanbal RA

(iii) Imam Shafee RA
(iv) None of these

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Choose the correct meaning of the Idioms: To bear the brunt of:...?

(i) in a position of advantage
(ii) to make an easy choice

(iii) to endure the main force or shock
(iv) undecided

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