Greenwich mean time is located near the city of...? Mcqs

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Greenwich mean time is located near the city of...?

(i) London
(ii) Rome

(iii) New York
(iv) None of these

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Which country in the Middle East is the Hashemite Kingdom...?

(i) Jordan
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Syria
(iv) Kuwait

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Chaj Doab lies between which rivers...?

(i) Chenab & Ravi
(ii) Chenab & Jhelum

(iii) Sindh & Ravi
(iv) Sindh & Chenab52

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Battle of Trench was fought in which Hijri...?

(i) 2 AH
(ii) 5 AH

(iii) 6 AH
(iv) 7 AH

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When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam...?

(i) Fifth Nabvi
(ii) Sixth Nabvi

(iii) Seventh Nabvi
(iv) Fourth Nabvi

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Indicate the indirect form. Saleem said, "I do not eat mangoes"...?

(i) Saleem said, he did not eat mangoes
(ii) Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes

(iii) Saleem said that he does not eat mangoes
(iv) Saleem exclaimed that he does not eat mangoes

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Hazrat Umar R.A is called ____________...?

(i) Farooq-e- Azam
(ii) Sword of Allah

(iii) Lion of Allah
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following part of the CPU controls the sequence of their instructions?...?

(i) AU
(ii) CU

(iii) LU
(iv) ALU

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The Second session of the Khilafat Conference was held in Amritsar on_______...?

(i) October 1919
(ii) December 1919

(iii) October 1920
(iv) December 1920

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Synonym of GINGERLY...?

(i) Cautiously
(ii) Retrospectively

(iii) Hectically
(iv) Carelessly

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