Hajr (حجر‎) was old city which served as capital of Province “Al-Yamamah”, the modern name of this city is________...? Mcqs

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Hajr (حجر‎) was old city which served as capital of Province “Al-Yamamah”, the modern name of this city is________...?

(i) Riyadh
(ii) Dammam

(iii) Abha
(iv) Al-Qatif

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A matter can exist in which of the following forms...?

(i) Liquid
(ii) Solid

(iii) Gas
(iv) All of these

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Whom did Hazart umer (R.A) appoint as custodian of bait-ul-mal...?

(i) Hazart Abdullah Bin Masud (R.A)
(ii) Hazart Abdullah bin umar(R.A)

(iii) Hazart Abdullah bin Abbass (R.A)
(iv) none of these

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Airbus is an aircraft manufacturing company its headquarter is in...?

(i) USA
(ii) Germany

(iii) France
(iv) UK

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MS-Word is an example of ...?

(i) An input device
(ii) A processing device

(iii) Application software
(iv) An operating system

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ترجمہ کا انتخاب کیجیےOut of the frying pan into the fire...?

(i) جل بن مچھلی
(ii) پوری چھوڑ آدھی سے بھی جائے

(iii) آسمان سے گرا کھجور میں انکا
(iv) آئے تھے نماز بخشوانے روزے گلے پڑ گئے

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She suffers ___________ a heart disease...?

(i) From
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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When were Hiroshima and Nagasaki hit by atom bombs...?

(i) August 1945
(ii) June 1945

(iii) April 1944
(iv) None of these

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Devoid means:...?

(i) Including
(ii) Fraud

(iii) Correlating
(iv) Lacking

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The Holy Quran was revealed in about...?

(i) 23 Years
(ii) 28 Years

(iii) 24 Years
(iv) 25 Years

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