Hazrat ___________ accepted Islam first in Women....? Mcqs

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Hazrat ___________ accepted Islam first in Women....?

(i) Amina
(ii) Khadija

(iii) Hafsa
(iv) Ruqya

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Synonym of “iota” is _________...?

(i) something owed
(ii) ancient coin

(iii) small amount
(iv) punctuation mark

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Which of the following country gave the right of monarchy to women by amending the constitution recently...?

(i) Nepal
(ii) Sweden

(iii) Japan
(iv) Canada

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The famous Personalities whom Accepted Islam after the Conquest of Makkah Were___________...?

(i) Abu sufyan
(ii) Hind (Wife of Abu Sufyan)

(iii) Ikrima bin Abu Jahal ( son of Abu Jahal)
(iv) Sohail Bin Amr

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The SI unit of Temperature is....?

(i) centigrade
(ii) fahrenheit

(iii) kelvin
(iv) none

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Which of the following can be used to navigate documents...?

(i) frames
(ii) hyperlinks

(iii) web toolbar
(iv) all of the above

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Beirut is the capital city of which country...?

(i) Lebanon
(ii) Oman

(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) Bahrain

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Ali ibn Abi Talib [R. A] was martyred in the_________ Hijrah...?

(i) 36
(ii) 38

(iii) 40
(iv) None of these

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Britain's highest military award is...?

(i) Victoria Cross
(ii) IRON Cross

(iii) Military
(iv) Medal of Honour

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The book “A Brief History of Time” is written by...?

(i) Aristotle
(ii) Oswald Spengler

(iii) Stephen Hawking
(iv) Karl Marx

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