Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ...? Mcqs

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Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ...?

(i) 618 A.D
(ii) 619 A.D

(iii) 620 A.D
(iv) 621 A.D

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World spins at...?

(i) 10/hr
(ii) 12°/hr

(iii) 15/hr
(iv) None of these

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When was the Kashmir issue taken to the United Nations by India...?

(i) 26 January 1949
(ii) 01 January 1948

(iii) 15 August 1947
(iv) None of these

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Who is the first Sikh senator belongs to KPK:...?

(i) Lai Chand
(ii) Gurdeep Singh

(iii) Shunila Ruth
(iv) None of these

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________________ book is written on the life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan....?

(i) Spirit of Islam
(ii) Aab-e- Hayat

(iii) Hayat-e-jawaid
(iv) Pir-e-Kamil

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The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________....?

(i) Antarctica
(ii) Australia

(iii) Africa
(iv) Europe

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The largest lake of salt water in the world is ...?

(i) Baykal
(ii) Chad

(iii) Kariba
(iv) Caspian

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Milk has pH:e:...?

(i) 6.5
(ii) 7.5

(iii) 8.5
(iv) 9.5

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What is a peninsula...?

(i) A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides
(ii) A body of water surrounded by land

(iii) A large island surrounded by ocean
(iv) A piece of land completely surrounded by wate

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Azad Pattan Hydro project will be constructed on which river...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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