Hazrat Younas AS remained in the belly of the fish for:...? Mcqs

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Hazrat Younas AS remained in the belly of the fish for:...?

(i) 20 days
(ii) 30 days

(iii) 40 days
(iv) 50 days

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What major international event took place in Dubai in December 2023...?

(i) NATO Summit
(ii) COP28 Climate Talks

(iii) G20 Summit
(iv) World Cup Draw

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The purpose of Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Pakistan is...?

(i) Insurance
(ii) Scholarships

(iii) Health
(iv) None of these

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Slide __________ are the effects that determine how a slide moves in and out of the view in the Slideshow...?

(i) Animation
(ii) Transition

(iii) Layout
(iv) Templates

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Carpenter is to wood as a tailor is to ?...?

(i) Machine
(ii) Ship

(iii) Cloth
(iv) Shop

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In SI unit of time Picosecond is equal to how many seconds:...?

(i) 10
(ii) 10-12

(iii) 10-18
(iv) None of these

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Change the narration: Harris said, “How clever I am...?

(i) Harris said he was very clever
(ii) Harris exclaimed that he was very clever

(iii) Harris asked that how clever he was
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

A car travels 100 km at a speed of 60 km/h and returns with a speed of 40 km/h Calculate the average speed for the whole journey...?

(i) 40 km/h
(ii) 44 km/h

(iii) 48 km/h
(iv) 52 km/h

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Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain....?

(i) As-Safa
(ii) Sil

(iii) Uhud
(iv) An-Noor

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Which continent has no desert...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Australia

(iii) Europe
(iv) None of these

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