He said, 'By God I am not guilty'....? Mcqs

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He said, 'By God I am not guilty'....?

(i) He swore by God that he is not guilty.
(ii) He swore by God that he will not guilty.

(iii) He swore by God that he was not guilty.
(iv) All are correct

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Which of the following countries has the longest coastline in the world...?

(i) Canada
(ii) China

(iii) USA
(iv) Germany

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Which gas is used to make soda water...?

(i) Ammonia
(ii) Hydrogen

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Carbon Dioxide

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A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options is_________...?

(i) Menu bar
(ii) Tool Bar

(iii) Status Bar
(iv) All of the above

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A motorcyclist travels 200 km in 1 hr. How many minutes it would take him to travel 120 km?...?

(i) 72 minutes
(ii) 50 minutes

(iii) 36 minutes
(iv) 24 minutes

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Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word MAGNIFY...?

(i) Enlarge
(ii) Withdraw

(iii) Shrink
(iv) Decrease

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What is name of 21st Para of Holy Quran...?

(i) Wa Qalallazina (وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ)
(ii) A’man Khalaq (أَمَّنْ خَلَقَ)

(iii) Utlu Ma Oohi (اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ)
(iv) Wa Manyaqnut (وَمَنْ يَقْنُتْ)

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Which of the following is caused by bacteria ..........?

(i) Malaria
(ii) Tetanus

(iii) Cancer
(iv) Rabies

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Book ‘The Scarlet Sword’ is written by: __________...?

(i) Herbert Ernest Bates
(ii) David Page

(iii) Alastair Lamb
(iv) Patrick Balfour

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Which of the following is the highest speed slot?...?

(i) ISA
(ii) AGP

(iii) PCI
(iv) AGC

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