He succeeded by dint of perseverance and sheered hard work. Which part of speech is relating in this sentence by considering theunderlined...? Mcqs

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He succeeded by dint of perseverance and sheered hard work. Which part of speech is relating in this sentence by considering theunderlined...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Adverb

(iii) Conjunction
(iv) Preposition

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Which of the following do you use to change margins in Ms Word...?

(i) formatting toolbar
(ii) page setup dialog box

(iii) Standard toolbar
(iv) paragraph dialog box

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Synonym of ” Vie ” is _____________...?

(i) Compete
(ii) Kowtow

(iii) Censure
(iv) Sanction

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Madam Curie won the Nobel Prize in 1903 in:...?

(i) Physics
(ii) Chemistry

(iii) Medicine
(iv) Medicine

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At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal...?

(i) 10 degree
(ii) -10 degree

(iii) 40 degree
(iv) -40 degree

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When Cripps Mission arrived:...?

(i) 1942
(ii) 1943

(iii) 1944
(iv) None of these

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Tawaf-e-Rukan is _______________ component of Hajj...?

(i) Nafil
(ii) Farz

(iii) Wajib
(iv) Sunnat

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The oldest revealed divine book is:...?

(i) Tawrat
(ii) Zaboor

(iii) Injeel
(iv) Quran

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In 2023, which country announced it would no longer allow the export of rare earth metals...?

(i) India
(ii) China

(iii) Russia
(iv) South Korea

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Mujadid Alif Sani is tiltle of_____________...?

(i) Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi
(ii) Syed Ahmed Shaheed

(iii) Shah waliullah
(iv) None of these

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