Herb-e-Fajjar means ...? Mcqs

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Herb-e-Fajjar means ...?

(i) war fought in the probihited months
(ii) war fought against kuffar

(iii) war fought for Islam
(iv) war fought for the protection of Kaaba

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Chauvet and Lascaux Caves that contain some of the best-preserved figurative cave paintings in the world are located in:...?

(i) Russia
(ii) Egypt

(iii) KSA
(iv) France

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Who is regarded as father of local self government in India.....?

(i) Lord Dalhousie
(ii) Lord Wellesly

(iii) Lord Bentinck
(iv) Lord Rippon

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What was the relation between Prophet Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon (A.S)...?

(i) Prophet Moosa (A.S) was father of Prophet Haroon (A.S)
(ii) Prophet Haroon (A.S) was father of Prophet Moosa (A.S)

(iii) Brothers
(iv) Cousins

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The word Muhammad (S.A.W) as a name has been mentioned in Quran ...?

(i) 2 times
(ii) 3 times

(iii) 4 times
(iv) 5 times

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Synonym of Chastity...?

(i) To abstain from sexual relation
(ii) To engulf in sexual relation

(iii) To whip someone
(iv) To infertile someone

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Who is the current prime minister of Saudi Arabia 2023...?

(i) Farhan bin Faisal
(ii) King Abdul Aziz

(iii) Muhammad bin Salman
(iv) None of these

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First human heart transplant operation conducted by Dr. Christian Bernard on Louis Washkansky, was conducted in...?

(i) 1968
(ii) 1967

(iii) 1958
(iv) none of these

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Which province of Pakistan is called the Bab-ul-Islam...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) KPK
(iv) Balochistan

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The world famous ' Golden Gate Bridge' is situated in...?

(i) London
(ii) Paris

(iii) San Francisco
(iv) Sydney

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