“Homer” was the greatest poet of the language namely:...? Mcqs

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“Homer” was the greatest poet of the language namely:...?

(i) Greek
(ii) Latin

(iii) Spanish
(iv) English

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How many yards is a cricket pitch...?

(i) 18 yards
(ii) 20 yards

(iii) 22 yards
(iv) 24 yards

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Bio fuel are the source of energy derived from ...?

(i) Birds
(ii) Plants & Animals

(iii) Oceans
(iv) Air and water

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What is the synonym for the Exotic...?

(i) dull
(ii) uninteresting

(iii) Unusual
(iv) boring

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Average value of A and B is 50000, that of B and C is 60000 and average of A and C is 55000. Find the value of B:...?

(i) 50000
(ii) 55000

(iii) 60000
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Find out the word followed by appropriate preposition and fill in the blank space. The eagle swooped and ________ a sleeping lizard...?

(i) Carried up
(ii) Carried down

(iii) Carried off
(iv) Carried in

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Comb was invented by Prophet...?

(i) Nuh (A.S)
(ii) Daud (A.S)

(iii) Ibrahim (A.S)
(iv) Sulaiman (A.S)

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Myanmar is the new name of...?

(i) Cambodia
(ii) Burma

(iii) Ceylon
(iv) None of these

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GUI stands for _______...?

(i) Graphical use interface
(ii) Graphical user interface

(iii) Grapic user interface
(iv) None of these

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The Hindu kush range extends westward into __________...?

(i) China
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) India
(iv) Pakistan

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