Hoover, one of the most beautiful dams in the world is located in...? Mcqs

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Hoover, one of the most beautiful dams in the world is located in...?

(i) Canada
(ii) England

(iii) USA
(iv) France

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What is the name of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima...?

(i) Fat man
(ii) Little boy

(iii) Obnoxthe
(iv) US bomb

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Maximum spoken language in the world is____________...?

(i) Arabic
(ii) English

(iii) Mandarin
(iv) Spanish

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How many neutrons in hydrogen:...?

(i) O
(ii) 1

(iii) 2
(iv) 3

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Ethiopia was earlier known as ____________...?

(i) Christina
(ii) Formas

(iii) Abyssinia
(iv) None pf these

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Who was the 1st Ummayad Caliph?...?

(i) Marwan bin Hakam
(ii) Hazrat Amir Muawlya

(iii) Yazid bin Muhlib
(iv) Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair

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Antonym of Haggard:...?

(i) Healthy
(ii) Robust

(iii) Hearty
(iv) Plump

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Our brain demands the most:...?

(i) Glucose
(ii) Lactose

(iii) Proteins
(iv) Vitamins

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The holy Quran was first compiled during caliphate of...?

(i) Hazrat Umer (May Allah bless Him)
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakr(May Allah bless Him)

(iii) Hazrat Ali(May Allah bless Him)
(iv) Hazrat Usman(May Allah bless Him)

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I should not feel pride _________ my qualification...?

(i) At
(ii) On

(iii) To
(iv) In

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