How can we describe UK...? Mcqs

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How can we describe UK...?

(i) England + Northern Ireland
(ii) Britain + Northern Ireland

(iii) Great Britain + Northern Ireland
(iv) England

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What is a synonym for Vogue...?

(i) Obscurity
(ii) Trend

(iii) Stagnation
(iv) Tradition

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Select the example of connectivity?...?

(i) Floppy Disk
(ii) Internet

(iii) Data
(iv) Power card

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isolation is most similar to__________...?

(i) Fear
(ii) Plenitude

(iii) Solitude
(iv) Disease

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The book "A Brief History of Time" is written by:...?

(i) Aristotle
(ii) Oswald Spengler

(iii) Stephen Hawking
(iv) Karl Marx

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The partition of Bengal was made in 1905, it was annulled in...?

(i) 1909
(ii) 1911

(iii) 1908
(iv) 1910

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The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Owais Qarni R.A ...?

(i) Khair-ut-Tabe’en
(ii) Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen

(iii) Turjuman-ul-Quran
(iv) Naqeeb-e-Ansar

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What is choreography...?

(i) Art of dancing
(ii) Art of music

(iii) Art of Gardening
(iv) Art of fight

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Synonym of “legion” is _________...?

(i) distance
(ii) rampage

(iii) multitude
(iv) motto

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Florence Nightingale was a...?

(i) Nurse
(ii) Soldier

(iii) Religious Reformer
(iv) None of these

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