How can you make the selected character super-scripted in Ms Word...? Mcqs

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How can you make the selected character super-scripted in Ms Word...?

(i) Ctrl + =
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + =

(iii) Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =
(iv) None of above

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Iron Dome Technology is possessed by:...?

(i) Italy
(ii) Israel

(iii) Iran
(iv) None of these

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On July 9, 1948 , Pakistan issued its first...?

(i) Coin
(ii) Postal stamp

(iii) Currency Note
(iv) All of these

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The grave of prophet (PBUH) father was in _______...?

(i) Makka
(ii) Madina

(iii) Taif
(iv) None of these

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Her parents went to Karachi...train...?

(i) to
(ii) by

(iii) at
(iv) of

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What is the extension of Microsoft Word files?...?

(i) DOC
(ii) DOCX

(iii) TXT
(iv) DOCS

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Jannat ul mualla graveyard is situated in ______...?

(i) Jeddah
(ii) Mecca

(iii) Medina
(iv) Baghdad

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Which of the following is the airline of Pakistan...?

(i) Serene air
(ii) Vision air international

(iii) Star Air aviation
(iv) Airblue

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's "outrageous" behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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Which country is not a member of ASEAN...?

(i) Cambodia
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Bangladesh

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