How far is the Dead Sea before Mediterranean...? Mcqs

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How far is the Dead Sea before Mediterranean...?

(i) 250 Meters
(ii) 300 Meters

(iii) 430 Meters
(iv) 1000 Meters

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That which cannot be passed through....?

(i) Impassable
(ii) Passable

(iii) Passage
(iv) None

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some peaks of hindu kash range are higher than _________ meters in altitude....?

(i) 3000
(ii) 9000

(iii) 7000
(iv) 5000

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Name the secret Agency of Afghanistan

(i) NDS
(ii) Gestapo

(iii) SAWAK
(iv) None of these

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In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and...?

(i) Thirteen other countries
(ii) Fourteen other countries

(iii) Fifteen other countries
(iv) Sixteen other countries

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Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border...?

(i) Text Line
(ii) New Line

(iii) Text Wrapping
(iv) Text Align

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Minimum Persons required for Namaz Ba-Jamaat...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 4
(iv) 7

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In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned...?

(i) Baqara
(ii) Al- Imran

(iii) Nisa
(iv) Insan

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The Khunjerab Pass links Pakistan with...?

(i) China
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) India
(iv) Iran

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Abu Nasr Al-Farabi Died in year...?

(i) 950
(ii) 952

(iii) 954
(iv) None of these

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