How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari” contain...? Mcqs

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How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari” contain...?

(i) 5,636
(ii) 7,275

(iii) 8,821
(iv) 6,722

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Antonym of LUCID is ...?

(i) Evident
(ii) Obvious

(iii) Explicit
(iv) Vague

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“How to Avoid Climate Disaster” is written by__________...?

(i) Elon Musk
(ii) Bill Gates

(iii) Deewey
(iv) Shahid Khan

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What is the shortcut key for “Increase Font Size” the selected text ...?

(i) Ctrl + Shift + <
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + >

(iii) Ctrl + I
(iv) None of these

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In the topology computer is directly linked to a centre computer:...?

(i) Bus
(ii) Node

(iii) Star
(iv) Ring

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Which of the following options is not a valid PowerPoint's view...?

(i) Slide show view
(ii) Slide shorter view

(iii) Presentation view
(iv) Normal view

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Who is the current ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan...?

(i) Malina Mart
(ii) Androulla Kaminara

(iii) Tim Torlot
(iv) Dr Riina Ruth Kionka

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When Iran left the Baghdad Pact...?

(i) 1973
(ii) 1976

(iii) 1979
(iv) 1982

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The Industrial revolution first took place in:...?

(i) England
(ii) America

(iii) France
(iv) Germany

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Book “Blood And Oil: Mohammed Bin Salman’s Ruthless Quest For Global Power” is written by: __________...?

(i) Oliver Letwin
(ii) Bradley Hope

(iii) Justin Scheck
(iv) Both (B) and (C)

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