How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran...? Mcqs

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How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 55
(ii) 66

(iii) 77
(iv) 88

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For 18 years Hazrat _____________ suffered from skin disease....?

(i) Musa A.S
(ii) Ayub A.S

(iii) Haroon A.S
(iv) Essa A.S

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Which of the following surah is Makki...?

(i) Al-Nas
(ii) Saba

(iii) Yasin
(iv) All of these

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London is situated on the bank of river...?

(i) Tyne
(ii) Seine

(iii) Thames
(iv) Came

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NATO Headquarters is the political and administrative centre of the Alliance. It is located at __________ in Brussels, Belgium....?

(i) Boulevard Leopold II
(ii) Boulevard Leopold III

(iii) Boulevard Leopold IV
(iv) Boulevard Leopold V

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Who founded All India National Congress:...?

(i) Nehru
(ii) Gandhi

(iii) A O Hume
(iv) A home

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Pak won cricket world cup in...?

(i) 1993
(ii) 1994

(iii) 1995
(iv) 1992

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In a flight of 600 Kms, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather and the average speed was reduced by 200 Km/hour and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. what is the total duration of flight...?

(i) 1 Hour
(ii) 2 hours

(iii) 3 hours
(iv) 4 hours

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Wuzu and Tayyamum are mentioned in which Surah of the Holy Quran...?

(i) Surah Rehman
(ii) Surah Toba

(iii) Surah Noor
(iv) Surah Maida

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Habib Bourguiba was the first president of which country...?

(i) Tunisia
(ii) France

(iii) Egypt
(iv) None of these

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