How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran...? Mcqs

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How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 55
(ii) 66

(iii) 77
(iv) 88

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The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant are thickened due to deposition of...?

(i) Chitin and lignin
(ii) Cellulose and pectin

(iii) Suberin and cutin
(iv) Lignin and suberin

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In Which Hijri year Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) performed Hajj...?

(i) 8 Hajri
(ii) 9 Hijri

(iii) 10 Hijri
(iv) 11 Hijri

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Belize was formerly known as...?

(i) British Hondoras
(ii) Nicaragua

(iii) Aksai Chin
(iv) Malvinas

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The world's largest Computer Company by sales is:...?

(i) Aser
(ii) IBM

(iii) Microsoft
(iv) Apple

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مان نہ مان میں تیرا...?

(i) محن
(ii) میزبان

(iii) غم خوار
(iv) مہمان

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In Microsoft Word the Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as________...?

(i) Font effects
(ii) Text effects

(iii) Font styles
(iv) Word art

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Low silicon, oxygen and High iron, magnesium are the characteristics ____of magma...?

(i) Mafic and Felsic
(ii) Felsic and Rhyoltic

(iii) Mafic and Basaltic
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following typically appear at the end of document for citation of source...?

(i) End notes
(ii) Foot notes

(iii) Header
(iv) Footer

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The foundation stone of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah's Mausoleum was laid by Field Marshal Mohammed Ayub Khan on:...?

(i) 31 August 1965
(ii) 31 July 1960

(iii) 30th March 1960
(iv) 25th February 1958

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