How many books include in Sahai Sitta:...? Mcqs

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How many books include in Sahai Sitta:...?

(i) 05
(ii) 06

(iii) 07
(iv) None of these

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Third Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______....?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Sauda (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Khadeja (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

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IOC stands for...?

(i) International Olympic Committee
(ii) International Olympic countries

(iii) Indian Olympic Committee
(iv) Italian Olympic Committee

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ANSA( ageniza nazionale stampa associata) is the news agency of _______...?

(i) Italy
(ii) India

(iii) United states
(iv) Pakistan

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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty NPT is aimed at limiting the spread of nuclear weapons including:...?

(i) Non-Proliferation
(ii) Disarmament

(iii) Peaceful use of Nuclear Energy
(iv) All of Above

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Which of the following categories of Nobel Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientist Alfred Nobel...?

(i) Peace
(ii) Literatue

(iii) Economics
(iv) Medicine

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In 1954, Pakistan joined:...?

(ii) CENTO

(iii) Commonwealth
(iv) OIC

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Who is known to the father of geography?...?

(i) Herodotus
(ii) Erastosthenes

(iii) Aristotle
(iv) None of these

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Which of following is not character spacing ...?

(i) Expanded
(ii) Raised

(iii) Condensed
(iv) Both (A and C)

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Choose the correct meaning of the Idioms: To bear the brunt of:...?

(i) in a position of advantage
(ii) to make an easy choice

(iii) to endure the main force or shock
(iv) undecided

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