How many countries share land border with Pakistan...? Mcqs

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How many countries share land border with Pakistan...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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The International Human Rights Day is observed on:...?

(i) 10 October
(ii) 10 December

(iii) 10 September
(iv) 10 November

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A rivers flows into a quiet lake and begins to form ______...?

(i) Delta
(ii) Alluvial fans

(iii) Natural leeves
(iv) Both A & B

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Antonym of DUCTILE is...?

(i) Docile
(ii) Pliable

(iii) Stiff
(iv) Supple

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Which of the following South Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form' South Asian task force to combat terrorism' in the region...?

(i) President Asif Zardari Of Pakistan
(ii) Prime minister Sheikh Hasina Of Bangladesh

(iii) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh India
(iv) PM Ratnaisri Wickremanyake Sri Lanka

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Who Invented the First Computer Mouse...?

(i) Douglas Engelbart
(ii) Ada Lovelace

(iii) Charles Babbage
(iv) Graham Bell

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What is the fractional value of 12.5%...?

(i) 1/4
(ii) 2/9

(iii) 1/5
(iv) 1/8

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What is the number of latest edition of PSL in 2021:...?

(i) Six
(ii) Seven

(iii) Fourth
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite...?

(i) Database
(ii) File manager

(iii) Image Editor
(iv) Word Processor

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What is the term used to denote the unauthorized and illegal accessing of computer program, often with criminal intent...?

(i) Virus
(ii) Plagiarism

(iii) Hacking
(iv) Breach

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