How many days Hazrat Younus AS remained in the abdomen of fish?...? Mcqs

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How many days Hazrat Younus AS remained in the abdomen of fish?...?

(i) 10 days
(ii) 20 days

(iii) 30 days
(iv) 40 days

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In the context of Pakistan's political and judicial history what does PCO stand for...?

(i) Pakistan's Courts Ordinance
(ii) Provisional Constitutional Order

(iii) Pakistan Constitutional Ordinance
(iv) Provisional Court Organization

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The Hajj Pilgrims are required to wear Ihram at which place...?

(i) Miqat
(ii) Arafat

(iii) Mina
(iv) Safa and Marwa

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Quaid E Azam was born ____ 25 Dec.

(i) Of
(ii) in

(iii) into
(iv) on

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Fahien was a ...?

(i) Chinese traveller
(ii) Portuguese Sailor

(iii) Norwegian Traveller
(iv) Japanese Navigator

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Diego Garcia is Indian ocean...?

(i) Japan military base in the
(ii) US

(iii) Germany
(iv) Russia

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Which barrage is not on the Indus River...?

(i) Sukkur Barrage
(ii) Guddu Barrage

(iii) Chashma Barrage
(iv) Rasul Barrage

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____________is the person who starts prayer with Immam...?

(i) Madurak
(ii) Musbaq

(iii) Munfarid
(iv) None of these

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Increased level of SGOT/AST in blood is an indication of...?

(i) Hepatitis
(ii) Myocardial Infarction

(iii) Anemia
(iv) Tuberculosis

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Which of the P5 Countries in the UN security Council has exercised veto power at the maximum time so for...?

(i) USA
(ii) Russia

(iii) France
(iv) Britain

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