How many fasts Hazrat Isa (AS) Kept in desert and advised his followers to follow it...? Mcqs

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How many fasts Hazrat Isa (AS) Kept in desert and advised his followers to follow it...?

(i) 10
(ii) 20

(iii) 30
(iv) 40

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A set of rules required for data communication effectively:...?

(i) Protocol
(ii) Standard

(iii) Topology
(iv) Networking

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Which the capital of Ghana...?

(i) Monrovia
(ii) Rabat

(iii) Accra
(iv) Mapute

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The ‘Daigo Fukuryu Maru’ incident occured in: __________...?

(i) 1945
(ii) 1948

(iii) 1950
(iv) 1954

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The Pyramids of Giza are located in...?

(i) Jordan
(ii) Syria

(iii) Egypt
(iv) Saudi Arabia4

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Change narration: The worker said, 'I have not done anything wrong"...?

(i) The worker said that he had not done anything wrong
(ii) The worker said that he have not doneanything wrong

(iii) The worker said that he had not anything wrongdone
(iv) The worker asked that he has not doneanything wrong

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The first Msjid (Mosque) that was built by the Holy Prophet (SAW) was_____________...?

(i) Masjid-ul-Haram
(ii) Masjid e Quba

(iii) Masjid-e-Aqsa
(iv) Masjid-e-Nabavi

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Select the synonym of the given word VIRTUE...?

(i) Faith
(ii) Iniquity

(iii) Vice
(iv) Goodness

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Synonym of “homily” is _________...?

(i) cereal
(ii) household

(iii) suburb
(iv) sermon

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The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is to_____________...?

(i) Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures.
(ii) Take out the souls of life bearing creatures.

(iii) Brings Allah’s message and commands to his prophets (AS)
(iv) Blow the trumpet on the day of judgment.

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