How many rows can you insert in a word document in maximum...? Mcqs

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How many rows can you insert in a word document in maximum...?

(i) 256
(ii) 16384

(iii) 32767
(iv) Unlimited

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War of pallasey was fought ...?

(i) 23 June 1757
(ii) 23 October 1756

(iii) 23 December 1557
(iv) 26 July 1764

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Choose the correct sentence. He writes better than me....?

(i) He writes better than mine
(ii) He writes better than I

(iii) He writes well than me
(iv) None

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In computing, NOS stands for:...?

(i) Non-operating Software
(ii) Network Operating System

(iii) Node Open Software
(iv) Neutral Operating System

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Who is the head of the state of Pakistan...?

(i) President
(ii) Prime Minister

(iii) Chairman Senate
(iv) Speaker National Assembly

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Who was the President of USA during first World War...?

(i) Woodrow Wilson
(ii) Roosevelt

(iii) J.F Canady
(iv) Richard Nixon

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In MS Access, which of the following data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols?...?

(i) Text
(ii) Memo

(iii) Auto number
(iv) None of these

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who loves books...?

(i) Bibliophile
(ii) Bibliophobe

(iii) Xenophile
(iv) Cinephile

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If 3x-8= -23, what is the value of 6x-7...?

(i) -35
(ii) -36

(iii) -37
(iv) -38

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Choose appropriate prepositions to complete the sentence from the given options. He depended_________ their meeting him________ the railway station...?

(i) for/at
(ii) on/at

(iii) at/at
(iv) at/on

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