How many sons Hazrat Khadija (RA) had with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...? Mcqs

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How many sons Hazrat Khadija (RA) had with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Two
(ii) Three

(iii) One
(iv) Four

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He says, “I shall go there”...?

(i) He says that he will go there
(ii) He said that I will go there

(iii) He says that I will went there
(iv) None of these

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World’s longest non-stop commercial flight starts from Qatar and lands in_____________...?

(i) New Zealand
(ii) Landon

(iii) Los Angelas
(iv) Australia

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The dress made out of which of the following materials is safest to wear while cooking...?

(i) Silk
(ii) Nylon

(iii) Cotton
(iv) Terylene

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The antonym of Pleasant is:...?

(i) Amiable
(ii) Agitated

(iii) Friendly
(iv) None of these

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Otto Von Bismarck was...?

(i) A Great Historian of Great Britain
(ii) Architect of the German Empire

(iii) Czar of Russia
(iv) King Emperor of Austria

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The apex elected body in Israel is called...?

(i) Parliament
(ii) Congress

(iii) Knesset
(iv) Shura

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آتش کدہ “ کس مشہور شاعر کا مجموعہ کلام ہے ؟"...?

(i) علامہ اقبال
(ii) مرزا غالب

(iii) ڈاکٹر محمد دین تاثیر
(iv) الطاف حسین حالی

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Which continent has no desert....?

(i) Australia
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) Africa

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Soap and detergents remove the dirt from clothes due to...?

(i) Capillary action
(ii) Osmosis

(iii) Diffusion
(iv) Lowering of interfacial tension

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