How many Swords Hazrat Muhmmad (S.A.W) had ...? Mcqs

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How many Swords Hazrat Muhmmad (S.A.W) had ...?

(i) 7
(ii) 8

(iii) 9
(iv) None of These

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Antonym of NIGGARDLY is ...?

(i) Generous
(ii) Chintzy

(iii) Closefisted
(iv) Skimpy

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“In the Line of Fire” is the autobiography of ____...?

(i) Pervez Musharraf
(ii) Benazir Bhutto

(iii) Zia-Ul-Haq
(iv) Asif Zardari

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How many members were in the first Constituent assembly...?

(i) 69
(ii) 79

(iii) 89
(iv) 100

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Change the narratlon: The old lady said to her son, "Is it not your duty to help me in my old age?"

(i) The old lady asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age
(ii) The old lady asked her son that was it not his duty to help her in her old age

(iii) The old lady asked her son if it were not his duty to have helped her in her old
(iv) The old lady had asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age

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Kashgar is a famous city of:...?

(i) Tajikistan
(ii) Xinjiang, China

(iii) Azerbaijan
(iv) Turkistan

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Solve: 840/14+40=...?

(i) 50
(ii) 60

(iii) 100
(iv) 120

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What is currency of Sri Lanka...?

(i) Dollar
(ii) Taka

(iii) Rupee
(iv) Lira

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To give up the ghost:...?

(i) To suffer
(ii) To fight evil forces

(iii) To die
(iv) To become rational

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'A tale of Two Cities' is a famous novel of...?

(i) Charles Dickens
(ii) Leo Tolstoy

(iii) D.H Lawrence
(iv) None of these

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