How many times the word “Ahmed” has appeared in the Holy Quran...? Mcqs

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How many times the word “Ahmed” has appeared in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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Braille education system was introduced by Braille for?...?

(i) Blinds
(ii) Dump

(iii) Handicap
(iv) Labours

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Albert Einstein is best known for his:...?

(i) Research on Universe
(ii) Ideas about human development

(iii) Theory of relativity
(iv) Theory of evolution

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In Microsoft Excel the Intersection of columns and rows is called a:...?

(i) Data
(ii) Table

(iii) Cell
(iv) Schema for:

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In the early period which endemic is called Black Death:...?

(i) SARS
(ii) Leprosy

(iii) Plague
(iv) None of these

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The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by...?

(i) Always by America
(ii) Rotated among alliance countries

(iii) Given in order of priority of accession to alliance
(iv) None of the above

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Which is the longest motorway in Pakistan...?

(i) M5
(ii) M7

(iii) M8
(iv) M9

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FFC stands for...?

(i) Foreign Finance Corporation
(ii) Film Finance Corporation

(iii) Federation of Football Council
(iv) none of these

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Identify the wrong statement...?

(i) Pancreas secrete insulin
(ii) Mammary glands secrete milk

(iii) Lachrymal glands secrete saliva
(iv) Liver secretes bile

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The value of 35*14/0.7 is...?

(i) 7
(ii) 0.7

(iii) 0.07
(iv) None of these

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