How many yards is a cricket pitch...? Mcqs

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How many yards is a cricket pitch...?

(i) 18 yards
(ii) 20 yards

(iii) 22 yards
(iv) 24 yards

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Injeel means________________...?

(i) Light
(ii) Sign

(iii) Peace
(iv) Good news

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Largest planet of the solar system...?

(i) Mercury
(ii) Ploto

(iii) vinus
(iv) Jupiter

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Lady named ___________ tried to poison the Holy Prophet ...?

(i) Ayesha
(ii) Razia

(iii) Zainab
(iv) Fatima

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Palestinian Party who won 2006 elections...?

(i) PLO
(ii) Al Fateh

(iii) Hamas
(iv) Hazb ullah

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The worship place of the Christians is called...?

(i) Mosque
(ii) Synagogue

(iii) Church
(iv) Jinja

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Working boundary is dividing line between...

(i) Pakistan and IHK
(ii) Pakistan and PHK

(iii) India and China
(iv) None of these

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Which is the cheapest memory device...?

(i) Magnetic disk
(ii) Flash

(iii) Compact Disk
(iv) Magnetic Tape

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What is the Extension of MS Word documents...?

(i) .do
(ii) .dos

(iii) .docx
(iv) None of the above

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The police force was first set up to maintain law and order in the Islamic state during the Caliphate of...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
(ii) Hazrat Umar R.A

(iii) Hazrat Usman R.A
(iv) Hazrat Ali R.A

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