How many years did Hazrat Muhammad (saw) preach Islam during his life time...? Mcqs

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How many years did Hazrat Muhammad (saw) preach Islam during his life time...?

(i) 52
(ii) 40

(iii) 23
(iv) 13

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Marala Barrage has been constructed on:...?

(i) Indus river
(ii) Kabul river

(iii) Chenab river
(iv) Sutlej river

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Which of the following gases is used for refrigeration...?

(i) Chlorine
(ii) Ammonia

(iii) Phosphine
(iv) Carbon Dioxide

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Which of the following become first arab country to launch Mars probe:...?

(i) Qatar
(ii) UAE

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iran

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we should abide by the rule ______...?

(i) Would we
(ii) Shouldn’t we

(iii) Will not we
(iv) None of these

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Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister of which country...?

(i) United States
(ii) Canada

(iii) United Kingdom
(iv) Australia

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The word Muhammad (S.A.W) as a name has been mentioned in Quran ...?

(i) 2 times
(ii) 3 times

(iii) 4 times
(iv) 5 times

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Under the constitution of 1973 which language was declared as the national language of Pakistan...?

(i) Urdu
(ii) Punjabi

(iii) Bengali
(iv) Sindhi

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In which Islamic month, first Wahi was decended...?

(i) Rajab-ul-Murajab
(ii) Safr

(iii) Rabi-ul-Sani
(iv) Ramzan-ul-Mubarik

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Who was the second chief of staff of Pakistan army __...?

(i) Gen. Aslam Baig Mirza
(ii) Gen. Jehangir Karamat

(iii) Gen. Tikka Khan
(iv) Gen. Zia Ul Haq

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