How many years was Hazrat Haroon (peace be upon him) older than Mousa (peace be upon him)...? Mcqs

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How many years was Hazrat Haroon (peace be upon him) older than Mousa (peace be upon him)...?

(i) 3 year
(ii) 2 year

(iii) 5 Year
(iv) None of these

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What Is Meaning Of Tawheed...?

(i) Oneness
(ii) Purity

(iii) Testimony
(iv) Galorification

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Largest Arms Importer of the World is...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Saudi Arabia

(iii) India
(iv) Bangladesh

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Paraguay is a country located in which continent...?

(i) South America
(ii) Africa

(iii) Europe
(iv) None of These

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The old woman lived alone, with ______ to look after ______...?

(i) someone / her
(ii) anyone / herself

(iii) everyone / she
(iv) no one / her

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Which Strait connects Labrador sea and Baffin Bay...?

(i) Davis Strait
(ii) Denmark Strait

(iii) Hover Strait
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of ” Uproar ” is _________...?

(i) Acquiescence
(ii) Calm

(iii) Turmoil
(iv) Placid

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______________ met with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) on the 1st heaven during Shab-e-Miraj....?

(i) Hazrat Adam (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Idrees (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Yahya (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Haroon (AS)

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The recent immigrants realised they were Consaguineous....?

(i) Badly treated
(ii) cheated

(iii) having same ancestor
(iv) Mistaken

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Synonym of Defamation is __________...?

(i) Libel
(ii) Slander

(iii) C both A and B
(iv) Commendation

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