How much camels were sacrificed on the occasion of Hajj by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)...? Mcqs

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How much camels were sacrificed on the occasion of Hajj by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)...?

(i) 60 camels
(ii) 63 camels

(iii) 65 camels
(iv) 67 camels

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ایک بائیٹ میں کتنی بیٹس ہوتی ہیں۔۔۔؟

(i) 8
(ii) 7

(iii) 6
(iv) 7

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Digital divide term is related with...?

(i) Econimics
(ii) Socio economics difference technology era

(iii) Political Science
(iv) Journalism

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In which year Egypt nationalized Suez Canal...?

(i) 1950
(ii) 1954

(iii) 1956
(iv) 1955

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I am sick .......... this idle life...?

(i) Of
(ii) On

(iii) In
(iv) With

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Which one is application software?...?

(i) Windows
(ii) Linux

(iii) MS-Excel
(iv) DOS

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Who is the current speaker of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh...?

(i) Syed Awais Qadir Shah
(ii) Rehana Leghari

(iii) Agha Siraj Durrani
(iv) None of these

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(i) Radio
(ii) Radar technology

(iii) Television
(iv) None of these

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Paradise is mentioned in Quran for_______ times....?

(i) 130
(ii) 140

(iii) 150
(iv) 160

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I want a place where I can work without ______....?

(i) Delay
(ii) Boredom

(iii) Interruption
(iv) None of the above

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