Hypothermia is caused by exposure to...? Mcqs

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Hypothermia is caused by exposure to...?

(i) Extreme Cold
(ii) Extreme Heat

(iii) Excessive radiation
(iv) None of these

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امیر خسرو کی تحریک ان مین سے کس کا حصہ ہو سکتی ہے ؟...?

(i) ابہام گوئی کی تحریک
(ii) رومانوی تحریک

(iii) ترقی پسند تحریک
(iv) صوفیا کی تحریک

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How Microsoft Word will respond in repeated word...?

(i) A Red wavy line under the repeated word
(ii) A Green wavy line under the repeated word

(iii) A Blue wavy line under the repeated word
(iv) None of the above

Latest MCQs

What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)...?

(i) Abdullah ibn Uthman
(ii) Abu Turab

(iii) Sadiq e Akber
(iv) Saraqa bin jasham

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When was the Liaquat Nehru Pact signed between India and Pakistan...?

(i) 8 april 1948
(ii) 8 april 1949

(iii) 8 April 1950
(iv) None of these

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Which country's economic growth rate is fastest at present...?

(i) Argentina
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Chile

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Duration of national anthem of Pakistan is _______ seconds...?

(i) 60
(ii) 70

(iii) 80
(iv) 90

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JAMSHED MARKER distinguished himself in the field of:...?

(i) Civil Service
(ii) Teaching

(iii) Diplomacy
(iv) Fiction writing

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Which of the following leaders has recently been elected as Head of 53 Members African Union in 2009...?

(i) Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
(ii) Muammar Gaddafi Of Libya

(iii) Thammbo Mbeki of South Africa
(iv) Omar al Bashir of Sudan

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Currant is a ________...?

(i) Tool
(ii) Fruit

(iii) Vegetable
(iv) None of These

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