I want a place where I can work without ______....? Mcqs

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I want a place where I can work without ______....?

(i) Delay
(ii) Boredom

(iii) Interruption
(iv) None of the above

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Who is the founder of Wikipedia...?

(i) Bill gates
(ii) Jeff Bezos

(iii) Jimmy Wales
(iv) none of these

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How can you insert a hyperlink in a document...?

(i) By pressing the Delete key
(ii) Using the Insert Hyperlink option

(iii) By clicking Save As
(iv) Using the Page Layout option

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Please fill in the blank. "He gave his wife a large ________ of flowers on her birthday"...?

(i) Bundle
(ii) Pack

(iii) Bouquet
(iv) Group

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What is the underwater mountain system formed by plate tactonic spreading called...?

(i) Mid oceanic Ridge
(ii) Oceanic Trench

(iii) Continental Slope
(iv) Abyssal Plains

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Synonym of “copse” is _______....?

(i) thicket
(ii) box

(iii) stone hut
(iv) cloud

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What is the number of Zakat among Pillars...?

(i) Second
(ii) Third

(iii) Fourth
(iv) Fifth

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The first poet of Islam is _______________...?

(i) Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Ubaidullah (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Hasaan ibn e sabit (R.A)
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which team won PSL 2019 in Karachi:...?

(i) Karachi Kings
(ii) Multan Sultans

(iii) Quetta Gladiators
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

What was the miracle given to Hazrat Isa (AS) by Allah...?

(i) Reviving the Dead
(ii) Moving the Mountains

(iii) Cutting the Moon in half
(iv) Giving voice to dumb

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