Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) participated...? Mcqs

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Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) participated...?

(i) Multan
(ii) Tabuk

(iii) Hunain
(iv) Ahzab

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From Which Word ‘Aqeeda’ is Derived...?

(i) Aqleed
(ii) Aqaid

(iii) Aqd
(iv) Taqleed

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Which of the following line spacing is invalid in Ms Word...?

(i) Multiple
(ii) Double

(iii) Triple
(iv) Single

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Silicon valley is famous for...?

(i) Computers
(ii) Film Industry

(iii) Cars
(iv) Sugarcans

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Who was the Prime Minister of India at the time of tashkent agreement:...?

(i) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(ii) Indira Gandhi

(iii) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(iv) Rajiv Gandhi

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Synonym of Bashful is ____________...?

(i) Easily noticed
(ii) Easily embarrassed

(iii) Fruitful
(iv) Annoying

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The commitment to the US lunar mission was announced by which president in May 1961...?

(i) Richard Nixon
(ii) Abraham Lincoln

(iii) George Washington
(iv) John F. Kennedy

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Who among the following accepted Din-i-llahi:...?

(i) Todermal
(ii) Tansen

(iii) Birbal
(iv) Man Singh

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What is the name of the ocean that lies between Europe and the United States...?

(i) Atlantic ocean
(ii) Pacific ocean

(iii) Arctic ocean
(iv) Mediterranean Sea

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Synonym of Incredulous is...?

(i) Hishonest
(ii) Honest

(iii) Reliable
(iv) Unreliable

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