If a batsman is out of the crease and wicket keeper hits the wicket this wicket is called...? Mcqs

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If a batsman is out of the crease and wicket keeper hits the wicket this wicket is called...?

(i) LBW
(ii) Hit wicket

(iii) Stump
(iv) None of these

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The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant are thickened due to deposition of...?

(i) Chitin and lignin
(ii) Cellulose and pectin

(iii) Suberin and cutin
(iv) Lignin and suberin

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Select the example of connectivity?...?

(i) Floppy Disk
(ii) Internet

(iii) Data
(iv) Power card

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Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.) caliphate Era is from ______ Hijri...?

(i) 11 to 12 Hijri
(ii) 11 to 13 Hijri

(iii) 11 to 14 Hijri
(iv) 11 to 15 Hijri

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Which of these terms do we use when an image in a clip art changes the direction that it was originally facing?...?

(i) Mirror
(ii) Rotate

(iii) Flip
(iv) Group

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what percentage of land area of Kashmir is under the control of China...?

(i) 5
(ii) 10

(iii) 15
(iv) 20

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Synonym of Grisly is:...?

(i) Earthly
(ii) Horrible

(iii) Naughty
(iv) Falling

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Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an...?

(i) Rajab
(ii) Sha’abān

(iii) Ramadan
(iv) Hajj

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Which Shortcut key for opening the font dialog box in Microsoft Word:...?

(i) Alt+F
(ii) Ctrl+D

(iii) Ctrl+F
(iv) Alt+Ctrl+F

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Which game is called ‘Game of Kings’...?

(i) Cricket
(ii) Polo

(iii) Chess
(iv) All of these

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