If P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of Q and S. what relation does R have P..? Mcqs

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If P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of Q and S. what relation does R have P..?

(i) Mother
(ii) Sister

(iii) Sister in law
(iv) Mother - in - law

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World spins at...?

(i) 10/hr
(ii) 12°/hr

(iii) 15/hr
(iv) None of these

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Kunhar River is also called...?

(i) Chitral river
(ii) Swat River

(iii) Panjkora
(iv) None of these

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Which tab includes the row or column option in MS Word:...?

(i) Design tab
(ii) Home tab

(iii) Layout tab
(iv) Insert tab

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Low silicon, oxygen and High iron, magnesium are the characteristics ____of magma...?

(i) Mafic and Felsic
(ii) Felsic and Rhyoltic

(iii) Mafic and Basaltic
(iv) None of these

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Select the suitable phrasal Verb: Before signing the contract I should ______ the content of agreement avoid mistake.

(i) look through
(ii) get over

(iii) call out
(iv) None of these

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How many times a normal man respires per minute...?

(i) 10-15 times
(ii) 14-18 times

(iii) 20-25 times
(iv) 25-30 times

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Cathay Pacific is an airline of...?

(i) Hong Kong
(ii) Taiwan

(iii) Japan
(iv) China

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Anthophobia is the fear of what...?

(i) Fever
(ii) Water

(iii) Cat
(iv) None of the above

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What was the father’s name of Hazrat Annas R.A ...?

(i) Hazrat Malik
(ii) Hazrat Harris

(iii) Hazrat Nasar
(iv) Hazrat Abdullah

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