If the radius of circle is 1 cm then the area of circle is:...? Mcqs

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If the radius of circle is 1 cm then the area of circle is:...?

(i) 314 mm,
(ii) 314 cm²

(iii) 314 mm²
(iv) None of these

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Which plane was used to drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima:...?

(i) B-29
(ii) F-7

(iii) Viking
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of ” Incur ” is...?

(i) Attract
(ii) Invite

(iii) Earn
(iv) Avoid

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Tenth wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______....?

(i) Hazrat Safiya (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Zainab binte Khazeema(RA)

(iii) Hazrat Umeh Habiba (RA)
(iv) None of These

Latest MCQs

CRT is the technology used in a:...?

(i) Mouse
(ii) Monitor

(iii) LED
(iv) Trojan Horse

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Pakistan is expected to harvest wheat crop with the start of which mela...?

(i) Mela Maveshiya
(ii) Jashan-e-Baharan

(iii) Baisakhi Mela
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

Which is not the function of the operating system...?

(i) Linux
(ii) DOS

(iii) Oracle
(iv) Window

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Which key will be used to refresh a webpage:...?

(i) F1
(ii) F5

(iii) F10
(iv) None of these

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Faiz Ahmad Faiz buried in:...?

(i) Karachi
(ii) Lahore

(iii) Hyderabad
(iv) None of these

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Huntington said, the primary source of clashes is post-cold war worlds will be...?

(i) Civilization
(ii) Religion

(iii) Believe
(iv) USA & USSR

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